Wednesday, June 28, 2006

When I grow up

As some of you who frequent Sara's blog may already know, I have just been hired at the Youth and Family Services Bureau. This is my first grown up job and I am really excited. Let me first say that I love my current (soon to be former) job. Working with people with disabilities has always been in my blood and it has been a great experience to help all my clients over the last 5 years. That being said I'm so glad that I'm not going to have to do shift work for at a job where I have no guarantee that I will get the hours I need. So hooray for no more midnight shifts, no more 3 hour wrestling matches with angry clients, no more ripped shirts! I get a 9-5 job with a desk, a salary, and most importantly I get to work with troubled teens which is really what God has been making my heart bleed in this season of my life. God has just been so incredible in getting this job for me and I can give no one credit but Him. He basically laid it in my lap and removed any obstacles that would hinder me getting it. I just pray that I can live up to what great things He has planned for me. The only possible cloud on the horizon is that this position is available through a grant which means that it may not be there next year. But even if we lose the grant, I will have gained priceless experience in my vocation, a ton of resources, and a great thing to add to my resume. So although I may not know what's ahead of me, I know that this is the beginning of an incredible part of my life.
So if anyone who reads this could do me a favor, please be praying that God continues to bless me with wisdom, patience, discernment, and His pure love so that I can truly be a light to my community through this job.
Dan, 10:36 PM


Praise God! You know I'm praying for you.

And yes, even though it WAS God that got you this job, I'm still proud of you! :)
Blogger Mrs. Sara, at 6:38 AM  
I have one of those same jobs, Dan! It has been an amazing blessing from God. I technically should have at least a 2 yr degree and 4 yrs experience to have my job. God just sort of dropped it in my lap and I've been here for the last 4 yrs! Like a little kiss from heaven! Every day I am so thankful. I mean...I have my days I don't want to come to work and I complain from time to time about being bored, but I am still thankful for the job ;) Good luck! I am so excited that this is coming at such a critical phase in your new life together! Provision, God! Tons of provision!!!
Blogger Annette, at 9:36 AM  

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